Sunday, June 30, 2013


Our products undergo a three part system which is utilized to effectively help you lose 

            weight and keep it off.

Part I: Elimination of Fat through Thermogenesis

Are you cold ALL THE TIME in the winter? This condition could be keeping those pounds on you! Through
the thermogenesis process, your body is heated from the inside out, increasing your metabolism, as well as your ability to sweat. In addition, this allows your body to go into instant metabolic function, yet it’s induced faster in colder environments and high calorie diets. So, don’t change your diet, and when you have the chance, put the AC on BLAST! Also, it is important to notice these effects tend to get stronger the longer you are on the product.

Part II: Detoxification of the Colon and Digestive System

This product offers total cleansing of the digestive system by utilizing insoluble fiber from all the ingredients, allowing the product to provide a very strong natural laxative that removes toxins and parasites.

Part III: The pH Balancing

The body is naturally acidic.  If there is a stage where more acid/toxins accumulate than the body can handle then it will store this excess in fat cells as a buffering system to protect the main organs. To combat an over acidic body, the product rebalances the pH levels in the body.  Consequently, forcing your body to get rid of the excess toxins/acid that have built-up in your tissues, resulting in fat / weight loss.