Friday, January 31, 2014



Yes, Slim Trim U is back and better than before. 

Slim Trim U Bee Pollen  is the solution for losing those unwanted pounds and inches without counting points, measuring portions, or excessive exercise in the gym. With just two capsules a day, Slim Trim U will swiftly reshape your body so that your trim figure from yester-year can shine through. Slim Trim U will “jump start” your weight loss program by helping to increase your metabolism and suppress your appetite from the very first day you begin to take the product. This product has the ability to reduce the formation of new fat while safely burning existing fat on your stomach, hips, thighs, and arms. The natural extracts used in Slim Trim U will help to reduce your appetite and help to eliminate excess fat inside your body without harmful or toxic chemicals.



Slim Trim U Bee Pollen is nothing short of AMAZING!  No side effects and the energy keeps me going all day long.  Most importantly the appetite suppressant is the key component that motivated my weight loss.  I was eating less and making smarter food choices.  Because I had so much energy, I worked out three days per week and the weight literally fell off.  I went from a size 12 to a size 2.  I look and feel, like a brand new woman.  Nothing tastes better than success. - Jennifer 

I’m skeptical about all diet pills and was very hesitant about trying Slim Trim U Bee Pollen.   They produced dramatic results for my friend, so I decided to give them a try.  Although I had my doubts, I cannot believe how effective Slim Trim U really is.  I’ve tried it all and there is nothing else on the market that compares to this.  I lost 7 lbs. in the first 7 days and 27 lbs. in the first month.  Life is too short; I will employ anyone seeking to lose weight to give them a try, you won’t be disappointed.

- Sasha

Looking my best on my wedding day was a priority.  Slim Trim U Bee Pollen is a miracle in a bottle.  I would advise anyone seeking to lose weight to give it a try, you will not be disappointed.



Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Food and My Love Life

We've all had that friend who disappears for a month, only to emerge newly coupled and minus ten pounds. Or the friend who gets hitched and then develops a belly. What appears to be an individual phenomenon is actually deep seated in our social and psychological behavior. Food and love are inexorably linked, thanks to a complex hormonal reaction that affects our emotional attachments to loved ones -- and our need for food.

Notably, early in the relationship, eating takes on weighted significance, according to Maryanne Fisher, a professor of psychology St. Mary's University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, whose research focuses on the evolutionary basis of romantic behavior. "Food is a way to display skills to a potential mate," Fisher told HuffPost Healthy Living. "You might buy nicer food, prepare better meals. It's fascinating how it can be used as part of the relationship."

If the food is a display -- say, if one partner cooks food for another, or one buys a fancy dinner for the other -- that's preferable, because those who are newly in love tend not to eat much. As Fisher noted in her essay on the subject, those who are newly infatuated produce an overabundance of "reward hormones" like norepinephrine. Those in turn produce feelings of euphoria, giddiness and energy. But they also suppress appetite in many, according to Fisher.

But as with all things, "love hormones" that go up must come down, and, in extreme cases, that can lead to obesity. One 2008 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill study found that women who were married were twice as likely to become obese as their peers who were single. Those who were cohabiting, but not married, were 63 percent more likely to become obese than single women. Men didn't emerge unscathed: married men were also twice as likely to grow obese, though cohabiting men were no more likely to be obese than their single counterparts.

For one thing, weight gain includes an element of social contagion. If one spouse has poor eating habits, such as a lack of portion control or a preference for unhealthy foods, that may extend to the other spouse. And, as nutritionist Joy Bauer explained during a segment on TODAY about the subject, there is little motivation to stay away from the cozy snacking:

Most importantly, if you’ve settled down with someone, you’re no longer facing the competition of the dating field. That means you may have less incentive to stay in shape and look your best. Plus, your lifestyle starts to revolve around food a bit more. As a couple, you probably stay in and cozy up (with food) on the couch more often than you did when you were single.

Friday, July 26, 2013

The Relationship between Stress and Weight Gain

The Relationship between Stress and Weight Gain

Stress is present in daily life. Some would say it is unavoidable. It can cause many different kinds of health issues as well as affect your weight. But what exactly is the relationship between stress and weight gain?

Stress Defined

Stress can be defined as any forces from the outside world that affects the individual. While stress can help you to learn and grow, more often it causes you anxiety and frustration. Stressors are specifically defined by each individual. What may cause some to stress out, might be taken in stride by others.

Your Body's Response to Stress

Stress causes an actual physical response in your body. When a threat is perceived, real or imagined, the body has an automatic defense mechanism. This is often called the "fight or flight" response. It is your body's way of protecting you. When this happens, adrenaline and cortisol are released in your bloodstream. Your breathing becomes rapid. Blood is redirected away from your digestive track and sent to your muscles and limbs. Your impulses quicken, your pupils dilate. Excess of the hormone cortisol is secreted. All of these physical reactions are the primitive way your body prepares to meet the perceived threat head on. 

Impact of Cortisol

Cortisol is present in your bloodstream at all times. It helps to maintain blood pressure and provide energy for the body. Cortisol stimulates the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates for energy in the body. It also stimulates insulin release for maintenance of blood sugar levels. As a result, it can also cause an increase in appetite in order to maintain your energy and insulin levels. During times of stress, when excess cortisol is secreted, normal patterns of cortisol levels are disrupted. On average, levels are highest in the early morning and lowest at night. The disruption of this pattern can promote weight gain also. Cortisol can mix up your hunger signals and cause you to eat high fat, simple carbohydrate foods that the body can convert to energy. These calories were easily burned off back in ancient times, when everyday life involved more physical activities (hunting for food, farming, etc...) Today, most stress is caused by busy schedules and money woes. As a result, you probably aren't burning off those extra calories in times of stress.

Emotional Eating

Eating more calories than you burn off causes weight gain. The goal is to find a balance between healthy eating and exercise, which increases your metabolism of the calories. Many people have emotional triggers when it comes to unhealthy eating. Bad news can send you to the drive thru. For a short time, the enjoyment of having a greasy burger and fries helps you to feel better. This feeling subsides when you realize all of the unwanted calories you consumed. But by then it is too late. This can be the beginning of a viscious cycle. Depression from overeating that leads to more overeating in an effort to feel good. In this way, stress and/or unhappiness can directly relate to gaining unwanted pounds

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

How Toxins Make Us Gain Weight

How Toxins Make Us Gain Weight

This week, the hormone weight loss principle I’d like to focus on is “Eliminate Toxins.” This one is important because I don’t think people realize all of the environmental toxins we come into contact with every day. In addition to contributing to weight gain, they are dangerous to our overall health.

Toxins destroy our hormone balance and often act as endocrine disruptors – substances that change the way our hormones usually work. Toxins can be found in many places in our homes and disrupt our hormones in many ways. They may increase, decrease or change the activity of a hormone by mimicking it, blocking it, changing the amount of hormone that is produced or changing the speed at which the hormone works. The hormones most often affected are estrogen, thyroid, testosterone, cortisol and insulin. But since hormones all work together, a problem with one has a domino effect on the others.
Here are two toxins you should be aware of and how they can lead to weight gain:
  • Artificial sweeteners – These are worse than sugar because they are man-made chemicals and linked to many possible side effects including low thyroid (which can contribute to further weight gain).
  • Refined sugars and carbs – These foods are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream causing a rapid increase in blood sugar and high demand for insulin. During the refining process, grains lose their fiber, vitamins and minerals, so you’re left with a food with minimum nutritionals value.

Many people with high levels of toxins in their body are obese. This is because toxins are stored in the fat cells and as you accumulate more and more toxins in your body, more storage space is needed and your body holds on to the fat cells. Keep this in mind as you’re losing weight, because as you lose fat, you may release some of these toxins, so it’s important to drink plenty of water to flush your kidneys of these toxins and continue the weight loss. Dr. Alicia Stanton

Monday, July 22, 2013


. This product contains a very strong appetite suppressant, an energy booster and a mild detox. This product is perfect for a person who tends to snack a lot or often overeats. It is also good for people who prefer a milder detox and a very smooth but energizing product.