How Toxins Make Us Gain Weight
This week, the hormone weight loss principle I’d like to
focus on is “Eliminate Toxins.” This one is important because I don’t think
people realize all of the environmental toxins we come into contact with every
day. In addition to contributing to weight gain, they are dangerous to our
overall health.
Toxins destroy our hormone balance and often act as
endocrine disruptors – substances that change the way our hormones usually
work. Toxins can be found in many places in our homes and disrupt our hormones
in many ways. They may increase, decrease or change the activity of a hormone
by mimicking it, blocking it, changing the amount of hormone that is produced
or changing the speed at which the hormone works. The hormones most often
affected are estrogen, thyroid, testosterone, cortisol and insulin. But since
hormones all work together, a problem with one has a domino effect on the
Here are two toxins you should be aware of and how they
can lead to weight gain:
- Artificial sweeteners – These are worse than sugar because they are man-made chemicals and linked to many possible side effects including low thyroid (which can contribute to further weight gain).
- Refined sugars and carbs – These foods are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream causing a rapid increase in blood sugar and high demand for insulin. During the refining process, grains lose their fiber, vitamins and minerals, so you’re left with a food with minimum nutritionals value.
Many people with high levels of toxins in their body are
obese. This is because toxins are stored in the fat cells and as you accumulate
more and more toxins in your body, more storage space is needed and your body
holds on to the fat cells. Keep this in mind as you’re losing weight, because
as you lose fat, you may release some of these toxins, so it’s important to
drink plenty of water to flush your kidneys of these toxins and continue the
weight loss. Dr. Alicia Stanton
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Thank you. Have a slim day!